brows & lashes during shutdown

While you are cooped up in your home waiting for the city to unpause, we encourage all of you to hang in there and use the phrase “less is more” until you are finally able to receive your services from our talented aestheticians.
Go for the natural look!
If you are struggling with leaving your brows alone, we want you to take your tweezers and put them in a plastic cup, fill the cup with water and put the cup in the freezer. It is so hard to get your own brows correct because it's hard to see the big picture. The symmetry is also difficult to see as well as your aesthetician can. You could tweeze or trim one hair and it could create a bald spot so easily! How about we let them get all bushy and full? If you must participate in webcam meetings, just stay far away from your webcam or stay away from bright lighting and no one will even know you are rocking a slight unibrow! Jokes aside, a few stray hairs is the least of our problems right now. When we reopen our doors we are going to tame those babies and growing them out will all be worth it.
If you are struggling with leaving your brows alone, we want you to take your tweezers and put them in a plastic cup, fill the cup with water and put the cup in the freezer. It is so hard to get your own brows correct because it's hard to see the big picture. The symmetry is also difficult to see as well as your aesthetician can. You could tweeze or trim one hair and it could create a bald spot so easily! How about we let them get all bushy and full? If you must participate in webcam meetings, just stay far away from your webcam or stay away from bright lighting and no one will even know you are rocking a slight unibrow! Jokes aside, a few stray hairs is the least of our problems right now. When we reopen our doors we are going to tame those babies and growing them out will all be worth it.
Condition them and avoid mascara! Lash extension clients-not all is lost,
there is still something we can do to help you. No it isn’t an at home lash extension kit. But it is going to help to get your lash extensions look fuller and better than ever when we do get you back in for your full set. We recommend Revitalash which is our tried and true favorite lash growth serum at Cake Skincare. The first thing it does is stimulate blood flow to the pore that contains your lash follicle, it feeds your lashes and promotes fast growth. The second thing it does is it conditions and strengthens your already existing lashes and the new growth it promoted. If Revitalash is not in your budget, not to worry. You can still condition your lashes with pure castor oil (this brand is the most ethically sourced) and is a great natural conditioner. You can apply it to your lash line to strengthen and nourish your lashes. You cannot use castor oil on your lashes when you have extensions because it will break down the bond between your lash and lash extension. So right now isn’t a bad time to try it and it may even help get those pesky last grown out lash extensions left behind from your last fill off quickly.
Why no mascara? Mascara is actually quite damaging to your lashes. Things like waxes and resins and cheap preservatives can make your lashes weak and brittle. Have you ever noticed people who don’t wear mascara always have such nice long lashes and you feel like it isn’t fair! If you don’t wear mascara you won’t need to remove it which is damaging in of itself. It can be a strain on your eyelashes if makeup is removed too rough and you actually put stress on your delicate eye contour area causing dark circles or under eye puffiness.
Do not over stimulate! Spending more time at home means more time to worry about little tiny things, such as pores. If you are breaking out right now, try your best to avoid at home extractions. When done improperly it can cause you to break out more and/or even cause scarring to the skin. Right now is a great time to enjoy the benefits of face masks. Sircuit Cosmeceuticals - Clarity Mask and Le Mieux - O2 Calming Gel are my life savers right now. However, I don’t recommend using a face mask everyday (even though you probably have the time to right now). Doing too many face masks or even applying too many skincare products (again because I know we are all bored right now and want to try new things) is going to be extremely confusing for your skin and will most likely result in a breakout or major flakiness.
My rule of thumb is to never do a face mask two consecutive nights. Keep your at home routine simple and consistent.
Sun Protection is also still essential. If you live in a home with windows, you still need to apply sunscreen! If there is enough sunlight in a place for a plant to live there is enough sunlight to stimulate melanocytes (cells that cause pigmentation), especially if you are using an active exfoliating product like Mara Beauty - Algae Retinol Oil or Sircuit Cosmeceuticals - Agent serum.
You can close the blinds and be a vampire but we definitely all want sun right now. Check out this article for more information about UV exposure through windows. It explains how UV exposure is super high if you get direct sunlight in the morning but not quite as high for the rest of the day. To make it easy apply a translucent setting powder like Supergoop - Translucent Setting Powder SPF 30 after your moisturizer for full mineral coverage without the make-up look.
We know it is super hard to let certain things go especially eyebrows & lip. All while we are already in this stressful time when all we want is to just have some control in our lives. It may help to just cover up any magnified mirrors at home! We miss all of our clients so much at Cake and we are taking the time now to appreciate how beautiful you are, even without us.
We can't wait to you see your beautiful faces soon!